Media Quotes
The news media has not been immune to the
charms of the Keener Wiener Rotisserie Stick. Here
is just a little bit of what they've had to say.
"Oh, for heaven's sakes! I hardly know what to say!"
Vicky Gabereau, "Gabereau Live", Vancouver TV
"Better than the safety pin and the zip-up fly, put together!"
Arthur Black, "Basic Black", CBC Radio
"Red-hot wienie roaster stick makes for happy campers!"
The Vancouver Sun
"Folks relish wiener wand! It's perfect!"
The Calgary Herald
"Once you see and use this fireside roaster, you'll never
buy any other kind of wiener stick!"
Alberta Fishing, Hunting & Outdoors Magazine
"The Keener Wiener roaster... pure simplicity, pure genius,
solves all of the problems associated with pointy-stick cooking!"
Barbecue Country
"Smooth rotisserie action!"
Cottage Country TV