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21. We have two sticks now and we use them all the time! They work great!
M. and C. Cooke, Calgary

22. Couldn't wait for the display to buy another one! Best invention since zipper pants!
R. Robertson

23. I think that these wiener sticks are the greatest things since sliced bread and I love them!
R. LeCerf

24. The best instrument for the fire and bar-b-que that we have ever tried! Keep on selling them!
Narda and Dawn Hanson

25. Wonderfully effective tool! It's a hot stick!
I. McFall

26. Since our purchase of the wiener rotisserie, we not only enjoy the hot dogs, but have fun making them!

27. Great way to have fun! Super gift ideas!
L. Halladay

28. Purchased a set of four for my father for Christmas. He loves them! He only wished he had them for the summer trip to B.C.! Thanks so much!
S. McAlear

29. These wiener roasters work great! You'll never burn yourself again!

30. The only stick the kids will use now! I especially like the safety side of it!

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