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61. Just great, the kids love it, it's safe and no more burnt fingers or wieners!
J.M. Pattison

62. Puts an art into roasting the ordinary wiener!
Linda Klassen

63. This has got to be the best roasting stick you can get! Works great!
Dan E. Zelton

64. The only true way to get a perfect hot dog!
Karen Dmitrik

65. I bought one of these for my brother who loves campfires and roasting wieners. He loves it! and especially the handles
Carren Loiselle

66. Everyone who has recieved these as a gift from us has loved them! Now we're buying some for ourselves!
Jan T.

67. Everyone waits their turn, no more coat hangers!
Bill B.

68. All the boys got them for Christmas. Fabulous! Works like a charm. Kids like it too!
Kathy K. Calgary

69. Great idea-it truly works!
Wendy Lee

70. Great hit for a whole camp ground. Great for so much and wonderful gifts!
Linda Armstrong

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